Personal Accompaniment
1-to-1s have been influential in changing my life for the better. They have helped me become the happy, confident and healthy person that I spent years wishing I could be.
Personal accompaniment is a consolidating growth resource that is fundamental in a process of change. It is safe – and Robina’s wisdom and deep empathy is so rewarding and revealing for my own good.
PRH Method
As a psychologist, I have compared PRH to other theoretical frameworks. I find it unsurpassed in the potential it offers for personal growth. The method of analyzing sensations uncovers truths at the heart of oneself. – Carolyn Moulton
PRH profoundly affects my life. It provides me with a way forward through my difficulties, it enables me to grow as a person, realizing my potentialities and causing me to wonder at what I see as the best in others. – Liz Packer (Full-time carer)
I have been using the PRH method of growth for a few years now and have begun to notice some significant changes in me and my attitude towards life. What I particularly like about it is that within a very safe environment I have been able to use the structures that PRH gives you, to help me through one of the hardest times of my life, so that I am now feeling emotionally the best I have ever felt….more rounded, more whole and more alive. I am able to see myself as a person with strengths and limitations and am beginning to understand how I can use all the aspects of myself for my own growth. There is support and help available both within and outside the workshops should you need it. I have been encouraged to work very much at my own pace and to choose the areas of my life I wish to work on. I feel empowered by the work I have done and am keen to let others know about PRH. – Deborah Lacey