What it is
This is a self-directed resource that many find invaluable. Working 1-to-1 with a PRH educator on what is of importance to you can bring faster, more enriching and deeper rewards than doing it on your own.
What it can do
Adapted to the individual according to their needs, motivation, capacity and pace, it offers the important relational element required on a successful path to self-discovery, healing and growth.
PRH can help you with its unique “helping relationship” method that could be described as a combination of life coaching, personal therapy, decision-making support, freedom guidance and spiritual mentoring – amongst other beneficial elements.
What it requires
The only pre-requisite is to want to take responsibility for your life and your progress. Cost is related to the individual’s ability to pay.
Accompaniment is a consolidating growth resource that is fundamental in a process of change. It is safe – and Robina’s wisdom and deep empathy is so rewarding and revealing for my own good – SF
Its scope and potential are described through personal experience and case studies within a theoretical framework in the following publication:
When Life Breaks Through – The Dynamics of the PRH Helping Relationship (Available through PRH England)
For an informal chat on what you are looking for, to discuss any queries or discover further how this resource could help you, please contact Robina Scott