Below you will find some frequently asked questions. We will add to this section over time, as more questions arise.
If you have a question for which you cannot find an answer, please contact us.
Do I have to have any personal growth experience to do PRH?
No. The only pre-requisite is to want to grow.
Is PRH expensive?
No. All PRH activities have sliding scale costs which ensure that everyone pays what they can afford in line with their income.
We strongly believe that no-one who is motivated to follow an event should be excluded through lack of funds if at all possible. For that reason there is a Bursary available for those who can’t afford the minimum payment.
How many people are there on each workshop?
Usually between 5 and 15.
Does PRH have a spiritual dimension?
Yes, but only if you want it to.
For those people for whom this is an important area, they find that PRH offers tools and opportunities for significant, but not necessarily out-of-the-ordinary experiences. Others prefer to explore other life areas.
PRH is a universal tool and adapts to the individual using it and therefore their priorities.
Do I need any art experience or skill to follow the creative expression workshops?
No. In fact, not having any experience can sometimes help you get more easily in touch with your intuitive spontaneity. Ask anyone who has followed these powerfully transformational workshops!
Where is your Privacy Policy?
You can read PRH England’s website privacy policy here.