Who am I?
Discover the potential for growth in the person
This 5 day workshop contains the material from the two workshops Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity.
It lays out the essential characteristics of the personality with particular focus on your positive core of goodness, your being.
In it we also explore self-image, relationships, intellect, feelings, and the body. We introduce you to attitudes that are helpful for growth and look at how you can progress on your own unique path of personal development in specific ways.
With the clarity that this course offers, you can begin a growth process in self-understanding, autonomy and personal effectiveness, bring more harmony to your relationships and make decisions towards greater happiness and meaning to your life.
No previous experience necessary. Ideal for those who want the opportunity to live an intensive and thorough initial experience of the PRH vision and method.
Becoming More True to Myself
Explore personal meaning and lack of meaning using creative expression
This workshop helps you to:
- Explore what is important for you to make sense of your life today, (relationships, work, interests etc)
- Recognise what is blocking you from remaining in touch with who you are
- Discover new steps to help you be fully yourself and to pursue your life purpose
No previous knowledge or experience of art work necessary.
No previous PRH experience required. However, Who Am I? OR Discovering the Core of My Identity OR Growing in Personal Solidity might be recommended.
Freeing Life in Me
Self-knowledge through creative expression
This workshop helps you to:
- Express your inner life through lines, forms and colours
- Find within yourself your own life force & inner resources
- Bring to awareness the difficulties which repress your abilities and strengths
… in order to grow.
No previous knowledge or experience of art work necessary.
No previous PRH experience required. However, Who Am I? OR Discovering the Core of My Identity OR Growing in Personal Solidity recommended.
Finding My Place in Groups
Explore the influence of group phenomena on personal growth
Growing through our experience in groups with reference to the different groups in our lives (e.g family of origin, present family, work, social, voluntary etc) we explore our aspirations, needs, values, influence, difficulties and conflicts in order to live more effectively. We explore our own experience of key group phenomena and consider practical steps in order to be able to move forward.
No previous experience necessary. However, Who Am I? OR Discovering the Core of My Identity OR Growing in Personal Solidity recommended.
Listening to the messages from my body
Learn to identify sensations and explore their meaning
An accurate means to self-knowledge
(Formerly: Approach to Self through the Body)
Through simple movement and relaxation exercises you are introduced to the analysis of physical sensations so as to manifest their meaningful content in writing for greater awareness and self-understanding – physical, psychological and spiritual.
No previous experience necessary. However, Who Am I? OR Discovering the Core of My Identity OR Growing in Personal Solidity recommended.
NB: This latter course is a requirement for other workshops as it introduces you to our basic method of self-knowledge. It is advisable to follow it sooner rather than later. It is also a requirement for the Personal Methodical Training Programme (FPM).
Growing in Personal Solidity
Living with true awareness of your important realities
This 2½ day workshop offers a very accessible introduction to the PRH vision and approach. It is also an opportunity for those who want to refresh their experience of the PRH basics.
This workshop will help you to:
- Learn to identify yourself in a complete way
- Be reassured by greater knowledge of yourself
- Learn to step back from circumstances and act with greater self-confidence and clarity
No previous PRH experience required. Highly recommended for beginners.
Discovering the Core of My Identity
What is essential for you to be yourself
This 2½ day workshop offers a very accessible introduction to the PRH vision and approach. It is also an opportunity for those who want to refresh their experience of the PRH basics.
Through it you will gain progress in three key areas:
- A greater awareness of how you see yourself and the importance of recognising this for your life
- Discovery of the core elements of your identity
- An understanding of how to progress using fundamental attitudes
No previous PRH experience required. Highly recommended for beginners.
Learning to Face my Difficulties more Constructively
This unique 12 hour workshop serves as a shorter introduction to PRH.
It focuses on helping you become aware of your patterns when facing your difficulties and how you can help yourself to deal with them and your suffering in a more satisfying, effective and positive way.
No previous experience required. An ideal way to get to know the PRH approach if the subject matter interests you and you prefer the shorter format.
Further personal development training options
Learning to Give and Receive Help
An introduction to the PRH helping relationship method
This workshop gives you the opportunity to:
- Go further in your growth by learning how to be helped
- Discover a simple and effective method for helping yourself and others
- Learn what is required in the helping relationship so that this can become a path to autonomy
- Make the most of the help you offer and receive
Course requirements: Who Am I? and Listening to the Messages from My Body.
Exploring My Inner World
Develop skills in PRH self-analysis
Fully discovering our inner world is a life-changing adventure
This workshop helps you to:
- Distinguish the different realities which exist within you.
- Experience deciphering sensations with psychological content in order to get to know yourselves, understand yourselves better and to grow as human beings.
It can take you far in self-development using the unique PRH method.
Course requirement: Who Am I?.
Clarifying My Relationships
Observe various types of relationships and learn to live them well
Each person grows and finds true fulfillment through relationship
This workshop enables you to explore the dynamics of different types of relationships, understand the difficulties and dissatisfactions involved, approach them in a new way and live them more constructively.
Course requirement: Who Am I?
Accelerating My Growth
Explore effective means and attitudes for personal development
In this workshop you cultivate practical skills and attitudes helpful in making the most of your potential. You learn how to plan and manage your life for optimum growth and healing. Please note: this is a pre-requisite to begin the FPM programme (Personal Methodical Formation)
Course requirement: Who Am I?
Also highly recommended: Leading My Life and Listening to the Messages from my Body or Exploring My Inner World.
Making Constructive Decisions
A method for improving our decision making
How I can make good decisions?
Here you are guided to discover your in-depth conscience, an essential aspect of decision making. By learning to analyze your own real life problems, you will be better able to make and verify decisions.
Course requirement: Who Am I? or Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity; and preferably Exploring My Inner World or, at least Listening to the Messages from My Body.
Loving and Being Loved
Discover how to grow in giving and receiving love
This course is key to:
- understanding our affective life in our need to be loved and our aspiration to love as well as the consequences of our affective wounds
- learning how to take seriously and manage:
- our potential for unconditional love
- all the signs of hollow needs and wounds from our past that prevent our inner emotional harmony in relationship
Course requirement: Who am I? or Discovering the Core of my Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity
Living My Life With More Inner Harmony
Observe & adjust patterns of daily living
This workshop looks at your goal in life and at living your life in order. It increases your awareness of the harmonious functionings in all different aspects of your person and of the dysfunctions that prevent you from living your life in freedom. It is vital for any work of re-education.
Course requirement: Who Am I?
Exploring the Transcendent Dimension of My Life
Discover how Transcendent experiences influence your growth
- Identify simple experiences of transcendence
- Discover their impact on your self and your growth
- Learn how to develop a dynamic relationship with the Transcendent within you
Course requirement: Who Am I? OR Discovering the Core of my Identity OR Growing in Personal Solidity AND Listening to the Messages from my Body OR Exploring My Inner World AND a particular interest in the subject matter.
Opening to Realities Greater than Myself
Explore the dimension of transcendence within you through creative expression
Benefits you can expect:
Identify more clearly the dimension of transcendence in your life
Bring form to your experience of transcendence in visual elements through creative expression
Encourage the emergence of this aspect of your life and give yourself the means to go further with it
Themes covered:
Experiences of human solidarity that move me
My ability to connect with what appears infinite to me
Myself as a witness to the progress of humankind
My deep gifts and values – at which I marvel, and that open me to More than me in me
Course requirement: No previous PRH experience is required, but you will gain if you have already attended a PRH entry level workshop.